Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Easy Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce

One easy way to reduce inflammation and support hormonal balance is to eat more antioxidant- and fiber-rich foods. An easy way to do that is to make this simple yet delicious Easy Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce. Jammy and bursting with flavour, you can use this sauce on pasta or as the perfect burger topping. 

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

How to Freeze Cherry Tomatoes

Freezing cherry tomatoes is the perfect way to eat flavourful tomatoes all year long! And the best part? It only takes about 5 minutes of effort! Cherry tomatoes are rich in both fiber and antioxidants which becomes even more important if we want to maintain our health as we enter midlife and beyond.

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Side, Snack Revel & Glow Nutrition Side, Snack Revel & Glow Nutrition

Grilled Broccolini

This grilled broccolini is so easy I’m not sure it qualifies as an actual recipe! It takes 5 minutes of hands-on time, 5 minutes to grill and it’s the perfectly charred and tasty side to pretty much any dish! Even better? It’s a hormone-balancing superstar cruciferous vegetable!

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Dinner, Lunch, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner, Lunch, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Basil Pesto

One of my favourite ways to get in 2 antioxidant-rich superfoods is to make pesto! Take advantage of the fresh basil this season and make a batch of this delicious and cost-effective sauce! This pesto also freezes beautifully.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Bok Choy in 5 Minutes

My Bok Choy in 5 Minutes recipe literally takes five minutes to prepare. This makes it the perfect side dish for beautiful summer evenings, not meant for spending indoors. Bok choy is a cruciferous vegetable. This means it’s rich in compounds that ultimately help us to get control over our hormones at any phase of life, and especially in perimenopause and menopause. 

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Grilled Asparagus

Asparagus is an easy and FAST way to get in more fiber! Ready in 10 minutes or less, this dish is perfect for those beautiful summer evenings when you don’t feel like being trapped in the kitchen. Not just satisfying and tasty, asparagus is also a health superstar; it’s low in calories and carbohydrates, high in fiber, packed with vitamins and rich in prebiotics to support a thriving gut microbiome.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

How to Roast any Vegetable in the Oven

Oven roasted vegetables have that sweeter, caramalized, mellow yet more intense flavour. This recipe will save you so much time when it comes to meal prep! Carving out 30-40 minutes to roast a couple pans of veggies can save you hours during the week, and will help you to achieve your fat loss and health goals!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

No-Potato Salad

Craving potato salad? Trying to reduce your carb intake? This keto-friendly No-Potato Salad is for you! This salad swaps higher-glycemic potatoes for rutabaga which has a similar texture to potatoes but is much lower in carbs! Rutabaga is a cruciferous veggie which means it can help us to detoxify excess & ‘bad’ estrogen from our body.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Herb & Dijon Potato Salad

Is potato salad a health food? YES! Cooked & cooled potatoes are rich in resistant starch which is a prebiotic fiber that feeds our gut bugs. This helps to ensure our gut microbiome thrives in both population & diversity. And research has shown the more diverse our microbiome, the better our overall health! Adapted from Ina’s Garten’s French Potato Salad, this Fresh Herb & Dijon Potato Salad uses healthy fats, fresh herbs & broth for flavour, making this dish super supportive of our gut health!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Steamed Hakurei Turnip

Hakurei Turnips are one of my favourite veggies to steam! These are also delicious raw - they’re sweet & crisp but if you have digestive issues, I recommend keeping your raw veggie intake to a minimum. Plus these become buttery & even sweeter when cooked!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Summer Strawberry Vinaigrette

This dressing is sweet but tangy, tasty & simple to make! And it’s even better when strawberries are in season! And did you know that strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges? Vitamin C is a gut health superstar because it helps us to absorb iron and it is needed to make collagen which keeps our connective tissues (including our gut lining) strong & healthy.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Lemon Garlic Air Fryer Asparagus

This dish is fresh, tasty but light, great for our guts & perfect for anyone with fat loss goals! Asparagus is rich in inulin, which is a prebiotic fiber that feeds our good gut bugs. And in turn, this bacteria helps to balance our mood, strengthen our immune system, and keep our digestion running smoothly. And it’s very low in calories, but because asparagus is high in fiber, it helps us to feel full. In addition to that, this dish is flavourful & takes around 10 min to prep. And feeling satiated, enjoying our food and meal prep that fits in our schedule are all important aspects of sustainable fat loss.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Sweet & Salty Delicata Squash

Delicata squash has that satisfying taste & texture you get with starchier foods but it’s low in carbs & is generally well-tolerated by more sensitive guts. Bonus: this squash is super adaptable – you can make it sweeter with cinnamon or savoury and serve it with pasta sauce or toss it in salads.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Roasted Radish

Roasted radish is a delicious & easy way to show your gut & liver some love! And if you are in a fat loss phase or doing a low-carb diet this is a side dish you’ll want to add into your rotation! You can roast red radish, but my favourite varieties are daikon, watermelon & black radish.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Cilantro Vinaigrette

Did you know that we ingest heavy metals daily? We’re exposed to these toxic metals through our air, food, water & body care products. Cilantro has been shown to bind to & help to eliminate these toxic metals from our body. This is why I try to incorporate it into my meals as often as possible. And this Cilantro Vinaigrette is an easy & tasty way to include it!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Roasted Winter Squash

Craving carbs but on a fat loss phase? Maybe too much starch makes you gassy & bloated? Then add this Roasted Winter Squash recipe to your rotation!

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Dinner, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Pork Stuffing

This Pork Stuffing is comforting, delicious & gluten-free! Whether you can do gluten or not, you’ll want to try this one out! I make a batch of this every Christmas to serve as a side for roasted turkey or chicken. This is also great as a meal on its own. Simply reheat & add a green salad!  

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

One Minute Dressing

I bet you’ll stop buying store-bought salad dressing if you try this out! This is my go-to because it’s sooooo easy to make, delicious & super adaptable! And it’s made using healthy fat & not inflammatory oils like many dressings on the market.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Weeknight Greek Salad

Do you want to support a healthy gut, your skin, workouts & muscle growth AND boost your immune defences? Eat raw red bell peppers! With the highest vitamin C content out of any fruit & veggie, this superfood supports our gut, helps to boost our immune system, fight fatigue, speed up recovery & it’s needed to form collagen. This Greek Salad is a tasty way to get in more peppers. It’s super quick to make & perfect for a weeknight, and especially this time of year with peppers, cucumber & tomatoes all in season.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Air Fryer Radishes

Cooked radish: the undervalued hack for gut-supportive & low-calorie meals! Radishes are low in carbs but high in fiber, which helps to make you feel more satiated & maintain a decent daily poop. And at 25 calories for 1 cup, this is a great ‘volume food’ if you’re in a cutting phase.

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