Dinner, Lunch, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner, Lunch, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Basil Pesto

One of my favourite ways to get in 2 antioxidant-rich superfoods is to make pesto! Take advantage of the fresh basil this season and make a batch of this delicious and cost-effective sauce! This pesto also freezes beautifully.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Lemon Garlic Air Fryer Asparagus

This dish is fresh, tasty but light, great for our guts & perfect for anyone with fat loss goals! Asparagus is rich in inulin, which is a prebiotic fiber that feeds our good gut bugs. And in turn, this bacteria helps to balance our mood, strengthen our immune system, and keep our digestion running smoothly. And it’s very low in calories, but because asparagus is high in fiber, it helps us to feel full. In addition to that, this dish is flavourful & takes around 10 min to prep. And feeling satiated, enjoying our food and meal prep that fits in our schedule are all important aspects of sustainable fat loss.

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Dinner, Lunch Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner, Lunch Revel & Glow Nutrition

Pork Tacos

These tacos are high in protein, rich in nutrients that support our brain, skin, heart, hormonal & immune health, easy to make & very flexible (if you’re missing an ingredient or 4, they’ll still taste great!). And they’re soooo tasty.

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Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition

Tat’s Butter for Greens

I find greens like kale, swiss chard & cabbage taste boring. I know they’re detoxification & gut health superstars. They’re full of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. But I won’t eat things I don’t like. I discovered this butter after much trial & error. And it was worth the effort! I now LOVE greens when I top them with this butter. It’s savoury with the perfect amount of umami mixed in. Some things are just better with butter!

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Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition


Not sure what to do with that big bunch of parsley? Make chimichurri! This is my favourite topping for grilled meats & fish. You can also use it as a dressing for veggies & salads. It’s easy, adds flavour & brightness to a meal.

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