Your issues with weight and IBS have limited your life enough. Your diet should set you free, not restrict you. 

Hey there! I’m Tatiana

I am passionate about helping women 35 and older lose weight, gain energy and feel like themselves again, without extreme restriction or drastic lifestyle changes. I am making it my mission to put an end to the widespread message that women need to restrict more and work harder, to eat less and move more, to get the body they desire. 

My story starts at age 18; I was bloated with embarrassing gas almost EVERY DAY. No matter what I ate. You know what came next…diarrhea and constipation. In my 20s, I was gaining weight, struggled to get out of bed in the morning, had no sex life, and dreaded any event involving getting dressed up or having my photo taken. I felt insecure and most importantly, uncomfortable. I was in constant pain. I wasn’t just frustrated; I was losing hope. 

This is when I sought help. Doctors diagnosed me with IBS and claimed there was no known cause or solution. I decided to take matters into my own hands and that’s when my journey to recovery began. 

For the past 15 years, I have dedicated my free time to researching different approaches to diet and lifestyle to support hormonal balance, manage IBS and weight loss. I have tried almost every diet. I have worked with a multitude of coaches and practitioners. And I have learned not only from the good advice I’ve received, but the bad advice as well. The extreme elimination diets, calorie restriction and hours of cardio that I put myself through during this time did not get me the body I desired. But even if it had, none of it was sustainable. Only when I started listening to my body and began to nourish it with the self-care and food it needed, it responded, and my body transformed. This is when I realized that I had found my calling.

I decided to go back to school to become a Holistic Nutritionist to get the education I needed to help other women achieve the body and the quality of life they want. 

Where am I now? I am in my early forties, going through perimenopause, and I have never felt so young, healthy and free. I don’t stress over food, and I eat a lot of it. Walking is my cardio of choice. It only takes me a few minutes to get dressed, whether I’m going to work or to an event - and I wear tight clothes! I feel good in my skin, I am confident and I enjoy life. 

There is a lot of bad advice out there. Women have been led to believe that weight gain, brain fog, restless sleep, fatigue and bloating is just to be accepted when we reach perimenopause and transition beyond menopause. And that the journey to health is painful and has to feel hard. I am here to tell you that it’s simply not true. 

You can enjoy every meal you eat, have time for your favourite things, and still achieve the body, health and quality of life you desire.