I empower women 35 and over to LOSE FAT, GAIN ENERGY AND FALL IN LOVE WITH THEIR BODIES without extreme restriction or drastic lifestyle changes.

 rev∙el /’revəl/ to take great delight; a celebration.

Nutrition-Based Lifestyle Coaching That Fits You!

Together, we create a customised plan that will help you to achieve your goals without restrictive dieting and excessive exercise. Whether you want to lose stubborn weight, or fix your embarrassing and painful digestive issues, I will provide you with the tools to transform your life and get lasting results in a sustainable way.

My formal training as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and my personal struggles with IBS, weight and body image, have provided me with the education to help you achieve your health goals. Whether you’re struggling with your Weight, IBS, Digestion or Food Anxiety, we can overcome these issues together!

Hey there! I’m Tatiana

I’m a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and I am passionate about resolving IBS and body insecurity while indulging in good food and life! I have spent the majority of my life struggling with weight, body image issues and IBS. I know I’m not alone when I say that I have gone through times when I was willing to try anything to fix my gut issues and feel better in my skin. After trying what feels like every diet and exercise program out there, and making every possible mistake, I found what worked for me. When I changed my mindset to focus on what my body can do for me, and I started eating and exercising to nourish both my body and mind, I started getting the results I had been chasing for years. Today I help women resolve their issues with weight and IBS and help them gain confidence with food and their bodies, so they can finally enjoy life to its fullest!

What people are saying.



Fitness, Wellness, Food and Natural Living.

What is Holistic Nutrition?

Holistic nutrition recognizes that every person is unique, not only in their biological differences but also in their personal experiences. One of its foundational principles is that there is no one single diet for every person on the planet. It sees the individual and understands that the body, mind, and spirit work together as vital components of optimal wellness. Holistic nutritionists want to get to the root cause of an individual’s health concerns by considering their diet and lifestyle, as well as their mental and physical being. We create a safe space where individuals can really be heard without judgement, and we act as teachers to provide relevant, evidence-based knowledge, support and guidance. We aim to empower clients by providing them with the tools they need to make the best decisions for their health goals. 

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