Raspberry Chia Protein Pudding


5 ingredients · 5 minutes· 2 servings

Struggling with belly fat and low energy in perimenopause or menopause? It’s time to empower yourself with the right fuel to support your body through this transformative phase in life.

This 5-min Raspberry Chia Protein Pudding is packed with protein and fibre which support:

  • Hormonal balance

  • Fat loss

  • Sustained energy

  • Stable blood sugar

  • Having a satisfying daily poop!

Eating a high protein and fibre-rich diet is critical to looking and feeling your best over the age of 35. It’s a time in our lives when we need to nourish our body and show it some love!

Directions for Raspberry Chia Protein Pudding

  1. Add all the ingredients except the chia seeds to a blender. Blend until smooth,

    then split the mixture between 2 mason jars or small containers.

  2. Split the chia seeds between the jars and mix well. Let mixture sit for

    five minutes and stir again to remove any chia clumps.

  3. Place in fridge to set for at least 30 minutes.

  4. When you're ready to eat, just grab a spoon or top with fresh berries, toasted

    coconut, cacao nibs or toasted nuts. Enjoy!


  • 150g frozen raspberries

  • 2 tbsp almond butter

  • 6 tbsp chia

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

  • 2 scoop vanilla protein powder, Schinoussa whey isolate used



Meal Prep - Double the recipe for a grab and go meal! Will keep up to 5 days in the fridge.

Make it with Less Calories - Swap the nut butter for powdered pb or almond butter.


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