Easy Superfood Egg Wrap


This Easy Superfood Egg Wrap is tasty, satisfying and ready in 10 minutes!


8 ingredients · 10 minutes· 1 serving

Running out of the food you prepared last weekend is not an excuse to give up on your weight loss and health goals! Make this minimal prep Easy Superfood Egg Wrap! I like to keep eggs, kimchi and broccoli sprouts or microgreens on hand so I’m always ready to put together a satisfying, yet simple dinner.

What’s in this:

  • Broccoli sprouts or microgreens: Tiny yet powerful for detoxification, balancing estrogen & boosting energy.

  • Kimchi: Fermented foods are packed with probiotics to help balance our gut which is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption and even weight management. 

  • Eggs: Packed with nutrients crucial for our brain, liver and hormonal health. 


Directions for Easy Superfood Egg Wrap

  1. Scramble the eggs in a non-stick skillet and season with salt and pepper. Remove from the pan and set aside.

  2. Melt the butter in the pan over med-low heat then place the wraps in the pan. Split half the cheese between the 2 wraps, covering only 1 side. Layer the egg and pepper mixture over the cheese. Sprinkle the egg with the remaining cheese and fold the wrap over. Use a mug or ramekin to hold them down if needed. 

  3. Cook until the cheese starts to melt, about 2 minutes. Then flip and cook until the cheese has completely melted and the wraps are starting to golden. 

  4. Remove the wraps from the pan and stuff with kimchi, tomato and microgreens. 

  5. Combine the mayo and Gochujang to make a sauce. This is great served with avocado, a low-starch veggie like grilled asparagus or broccoli and some bacon. 


  • 2 small wraps or tortillas  

  • 2 eggs + 2 egg whites

  • 20g shredded cheese *See Notes for non-dairy

  • broccoli microgreens or sprouts

  • 2 tbsp kimchi, or to taste 

  • cherry tomatoes, halved

  • ½ tbsp butter 

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • sauteed bell pepper and onion, optional

  • ½ tbsp each avocado oil mayo & Gochujang sauce, optional

  • avocado for serving, optional


How to Serve - Serve with a green salad, low starch veggie like grilled asparagus or roasted broccoli. Drizzle with the Gochujang/Mayo sauce or serve with hot sauce, sliced avocado and some sour cream.

Add More Protein - Serve with bacon, back bacon or add some shredded chicken breast into the wraps.

No Gochujang? - Use sriracha instead.


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