Light Pumpkin Pie Pudding


6 ingredients · 5 minutes· 1 serving

This Light Pumpkin Pie Pudding is gluten-free, very low in sugar, egg-free & dairy-free AND delicious. It’s the perfect way to satisfy that craving for pumpkin spice this fall! 

 This comforting treat is:

  • Low in calories & carbohydrates

  • Contains gut-supportive ingredients like gelatin & pumpkin 

  • Fits most elimination diets including low-FODMAP, SCD & AIP


  1. Pour the coconut milk into a liquid measuring cup & add the gelatin on top. Allow to sit for 3 min so it can ‘bloom’. 

  2. Meanwhile, heat up the rest of the ingredients over medium-low on the stove until gently bubbling. 

  3. Remove from the heat & add in the coconut milk mixture & mix well. Taste & adjust any spices.

  4. Pour into 4 ramekins or 1 larger container. Refrigerate until solid.

  5. Serve as-is, sprinkle with cinnamon, toasted nuts and/or a dollop of coconut milk whipped cream! 


  • 1 can pumpkin, 15oz

  • 1 cup full-fat coconut milk

  • ½ cup filtered water

  • 1 tbsp grass-fed gelatin

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • ½ tsp ginger, ground

  • ¼ tsp cloves, ground

  • ¼ tsp nutmeg (use mace for AIP)

  • 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup to taste (or ½ tsp stevia)


Too Firm? - Place the pudding in a food processor or blender & puree. This will soften its texture. You may need to add a little more coconut milk to accomplish the right texture.


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