Fresh Basil Pesto


6 ingredients · 10 minutes· 6-8 servings

What you eat affects everything over the age of 35. This is when we often start the journey through perimenopause to post-menopause. As your progesterone and estrogen decline, your risk of developing health issues like osteoporosis, Type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease increases.

And here’s the good news: you can help to reduce your risk by prioritizing anti-inflammatory whole foods that are rich in antioxidants. And one of my favourite ways to get in 2 antioxidant superfoods is to make pesto! Grab fresh basil from your local market this weekend and set aside 5 minutes to whip up a batch, this is SO cost-effective when you make it in the summer, when basil is in season. This sauce freezes beautifully, so I recommend doubling the recipe so you can enjoy fresh basil year-round.

Traditional pesto calls for parmesan cheese; if you don’t do dairy, simply swap the parmesan for non-dairy parmesan or omit. See Notes for more detail.

Extra virgin olive oil: shown to have protective properties against cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and even cancer. Ensure to get a high quality oil to reap these benefits.

Basil: Combats oxidative stress and inflammation in the body with flavonoids linked to reduced risk of chronic disease. 


Directions for Fresh Basil Pesto

  1. Add the walnuts and garlic to your food processor or blender. Process until coarsely chopped, then add the basil and salt. Process again until the mixture becomes a paste.

  2. Scrape down the sides, then while the food processor is running, very slowly add the olive oil. Scrape down the sides again, add the parmesan and process one last time until the cheese has blended through.

  3. Use immediately or store in the fridge in an airtight container. See Notes for tips on storage, including freezing.



  • ⅓ cup walnuts

  • 2 large cloves garlic, peeled

  • 2 cups fresh basil, packed

  • ½ tsp sea salt

  • ⅔ cup extra virgin olive oil

  • ½ cup parmesan cheese, freshly grated

Notes for Fresh Basil Pesto

How to Serve - Over any pasta, on pizza, as a condiment for fish, meat or eggs or tossed with veggies.

How to Store - Pour a thin layer of olive oil over the pesto and store in a jar or airtight container for up to 5 days in the fridge, or freeze for up to 6 months. Hot tip: Pour the pesto into an ice cube tray and then store in an airtight container in the freezer for a quick hit of pesto!


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