Dinner, Lunch, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner, Lunch, Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Basil Pesto

One of my favourite ways to get in 2 antioxidant-rich superfoods is to make pesto! Take advantage of the fresh basil this season and make a batch of this delicious and cost-effective sauce! This pesto also freezes beautifully.

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Dinner, Lunch, Breakfast Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner, Lunch, Breakfast Revel & Glow Nutrition

Taco Beef

Struggling to find high-protein dinner ideas? You are in luck! This taco beef is not just for tacos. You can use it to make a dozen different and delicious meals. This one is on my recipe rotation because it takes me no extra thinking, very little planning, it’s ready in 20 minutes and it’s so satisfying!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

No-Potato Salad

Craving potato salad? Trying to reduce your carb intake? This keto-friendly No-Potato Salad is for you! This salad swaps higher-glycemic potatoes for rutabaga which has a similar texture to potatoes but is much lower in carbs! Rutabaga is a cruciferous veggie which means it can help us to detoxify excess & ‘bad’ estrogen from our body.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Herb & Dijon Potato Salad

Is potato salad a health food? YES! Cooked & cooled potatoes are rich in resistant starch which is a prebiotic fiber that feeds our gut bugs. This helps to ensure our gut microbiome thrives in both population & diversity. And research has shown the more diverse our microbiome, the better our overall health! Adapted from Ina’s Garten’s French Potato Salad, this Fresh Herb & Dijon Potato Salad uses healthy fats, fresh herbs & broth for flavour, making this dish super supportive of our gut health!

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Dinner Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner Revel & Glow Nutrition

Juicy Grilled Rosemary Chicken

Did you know that your juicy grilled burger, steak & chicken may contain carcinogens? But do NOT throw away that grill! You can reduce the formation of these chemicals by making my Juicy Grilled Lemon Rosemary Chicken which uses a marinade that contains fresh herbs & an acid like citrus or vinegar.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Cilantro Vinaigrette

Did you know that we ingest heavy metals daily? We’re exposed to these toxic metals through our air, food, water & body care products. Cilantro has been shown to bind to & help to eliminate these toxic metals from our body. This is why I try to incorporate it into my meals as often as possible. And this Cilantro Vinaigrette is an easy & tasty way to include it!

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Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition

Tat’s Butter for Greens

I find greens like kale, swiss chard & cabbage taste boring. I know they’re detoxification & gut health superstars. They’re full of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. But I won’t eat things I don’t like. I discovered this butter after much trial & error. And it was worth the effort! I now LOVE greens when I top them with this butter. It’s savoury with the perfect amount of umami mixed in. Some things are just better with butter!

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Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition

Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo is my favourite way to make the most of tomato season & feed those good gut bugs at the same time! From tacos to eggs, this zesty sauce adds a fresh kick to almost any dish. And it couldn’t be easier to make!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Air Fryer Radishes

Cooked radish: the undervalued hack for gut-supportive & low-calorie meals! Radishes are low in carbs but high in fiber, which helps to make you feel more satiated & maintain a decent daily poop. And at 25 calories for 1 cup, this is a great ‘volume food’ if you’re in a cutting phase.

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Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition Sauces Revel & Glow Nutrition


Not sure what to do with that big bunch of parsley? Make chimichurri! This is my favourite topping for grilled meats & fish. You can also use it as a dressing for veggies & salads. It’s easy, adds flavour & brightness to a meal.

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