Pico de Gallo


6 ingredients · 8 minutes· 4-6 servings

Did you know that tomatoes are great for the gut? This antioxidant-rich fruit contains prebiotics, a type of fiber that feeds our gut bacteria. In turn, our gut bugs thrive & produce short chain fatty acids that inhibit inflammation and pathogens like bad bacteria & viruses in our gut. This can make a big difference for issues like gas, bloating & both constipation and loose stools.

Pico de Gallo is my favourite way to make the most of tomato season & feed those good gut bugs at the same time! From tacos to eggs, this zesty sauce adds a fresh kick to almost any dish. And it couldn’t be easier to make!

For the best results (& most nutritional value) look for local & organic tomatoes. Most commercially grown tomatoes are harvested green & then sprayed with gas to redden them. The result is flavourless tomatoes with little nutritional value.


Pico de Gallo is a great way to make the most of tomato season!



  1. Seed & finely dice the jalapeno & onion. Then add both to a medium bowl.

  2. Dice the tomato & cilantro, add to the bowl & stir.

  3. Add in 2 tbsp of lime juice & salt. Stir again.

  4. That’s it! Serve with tortillas or check out the Notes below for more ideas!


  • 1 jalapeno

  • ¼ large red onion

  • 2 medium tomatoes

  • ¼ – ½ cup cilantro

  • 1 lime

  • ¼ tsp sea salt



How to Serve - This is great with organic corn or Siete tortilla chips, as a topping for tacos, burrito bowls, eggs, roasted veggies or with grilled, roasted or fried meats.

Too Watery? - Only use the tomato flesh (seed it before dicing), use Roma tomatoes or scoop it with a slotted spoon.


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