Dessert, Snack Revel & Glow Nutrition Dessert, Snack Revel & Glow Nutrition

Sugar-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce

This Sugar-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce is my favourite topping for ice cream, pancakes and yogurt. With delicious yet healthy and low-calorie treats like this, you can make progress towards your goals and have dessert everyday! Rhubarb is high in fiber, low in calories and its tasty tang complements the sweetness of strawberries. This is the perfect way to use up that rhubarb this spring!

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Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition

Citrus Strawberry Vanilla Mocktail

Sitting back & having a glass of wine or a cocktail may feel relaxing at the time, but it actually increases cortisol (our main stress hormone) which does not help us to de-stress! Since I struggle with high cortisol, I’ve been busy coming up with mocktails I truly enjoy to help reduce my alcohol intake & my cortisol. Join me this weekend in sipping on this tasty & refreshing Citrus Strawberry Vanilla Mocktail!

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Summer Strawberry Vinaigrette

This dressing is sweet but tangy, tasty & simple to make! And it’s even better when strawberries are in season! And did you know that strawberries contain more vitamin C than oranges? Vitamin C is a gut health superstar because it helps us to absorb iron and it is needed to make collagen which keeps our connective tissues (including our gut lining) strong & healthy.

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Dessert, Snack Revel & Glow Nutrition Dessert, Snack Revel & Glow Nutrition

Strawberry Shortcake Protein Balls

Summer events are filled with temptations that can hinder our fat loss and health goals. Especially when they’re back-to-back. Go prepared and bring a tasty and high-protein snack like my Strawberry Shortcake Protein Balls! These will become everyone’s new favourite snack, especially this time of year when strawberries are sweet and juicy! And they are so easy to make. 

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