Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Ginger Tea

This Fresh Ginger Tea is one of my favourite drinks! You can serve it hot or on ice. It’s warm & comforting on a cold day & refreshing on a hot summer day. It’s caffeine-free, virtually calorie-free & it’s delicious. Ginger is what gives this tea its spicy kick, and it also offers a wide array of health benefits.

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Dinner Revel & Glow Nutrition Dinner Revel & Glow Nutrition

Juicy Grilled Rosemary Chicken

Did you know that your juicy grilled burger, steak & chicken may contain carcinogens? But do NOT throw away that grill! You can reduce the formation of these chemicals by making my Juicy Grilled Lemon Rosemary Chicken which uses a marinade that contains fresh herbs & an acid like citrus or vinegar.

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Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition

Citrus Strawberry Vanilla Mocktail

Sitting back & having a glass of wine or a cocktail may feel relaxing at the time, but it actually increases cortisol (our main stress hormone) which does not help us to de-stress! Since I struggle with high cortisol, I’ve been busy coming up with mocktails I truly enjoy to help reduce my alcohol intake & my cortisol. Join me this weekend in sipping on this tasty & refreshing Citrus Strawberry Vanilla Mocktail!

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Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition Drinks Revel & Glow Nutrition

Fresh Lime Margarita

What is the secret to making the best margarita? Use fresh citrus. This margarita checks all the boxes for me: It’s delicious. It’s VERY low in sugar. It takes less than 3 minutes to make & requires no fancy ingredients. It’s refreshing on a hot summer day & makes me feel like I’m on a vacation in the winter.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Lemon Garlic Air Fryer Asparagus

This dish is fresh, tasty but light, great for our guts & perfect for anyone with fat loss goals! Asparagus is rich in inulin, which is a prebiotic fiber that feeds our good gut bugs. And in turn, this bacteria helps to balance our mood, strengthen our immune system, and keep our digestion running smoothly. And it’s very low in calories, but because asparagus is high in fiber, it helps us to feel full. In addition to that, this dish is flavourful & takes around 10 min to prep. And feeling satiated, enjoying our food and meal prep that fits in our schedule are all important aspects of sustainable fat loss.

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