Fresh Ginger Tea


Serve this cold on a hot summer day or warm for a comforting winter beverage!


5 ingredients · 30 minutes · 4 servings

This is one of my favourite drinks! You can serve it hot or on ice. It’s warm & comforting on a cold day & refreshing on a hot summer day. It’s caffeine-free, virtually calorie-free & it’s delicious.

Ginger is what gives this tea its spicy kick, and it also offers so many health benefits:

-By speeding motility & emptying of the stomach, it can help to relieve gas, constipation, bloating & nausea. 

-Has antibacterial, antimicrobial & antifungal properties making this a great add-in if you struggle with things like candida, SIBO or other gut imbalances. 

-Promotes normal blood sugar which is huge for our energy, weight loss, sleep & more.



  1. Add all ingredients except the lemon & stevia/honey to a large pot & bring to a boil over high heat. Allow to simmer for ~30 min. 

  2. Remove from the heat & add the stevia.

  3. Strain & serve hot with a slice of lemon or for Iced Ginger Tea, allow to cool, strain into a jug & add the lemon juice, stir & chill until ice cold! 


  • 3” piece of ginger, peeled & sliced into thin pieces

  • 2 cinnamon sticks 

  • 8 cups water, filtered preferably 

  • ½  lemon, juiced

  • ¼ tsp stevia or honey to taste


Not Spicy Enough? - Add more ginger.

Don’t like Stevia? - Swap the stevia for a little maple syrup or honey.


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