Maca Strawberry Chia Pudding


10 ingredients · 5 minutes· 2 servings

Feeling overwhelmed & stressed by your schedule? No time for meal prep? This recipe is perfect for you!

How will this grab & go meal reduce your stress? It..

  • Takes less than 5 min to make

  • Provides a good balance of healthy fat, protein & carbs to keep your energy up & your blood sugar stable

  • Contains Maca

What is Maca? 

It’s an adaptogenic plant, meaning it has the ability to help you adapt to stress in your life. Adaptogens (like maca) can help to ‘normalize’ the stress response from our adrenals in the face of stress. It has a nutty/malty taste that goes well with sweeter dishes. 


  1. Combine the milk, spices, salt & stevia & vanilla in a large measuring cup or medium-sized bowl.

  2. Add the maca, powdered peanut butter & collagen. Whisk to combine & then add chia seeds and whisk again.

  3. Pour equally into 2 mason jars, let sit for 5 min, shake & refrigerate for 30 min or up to 5 days.


  • ½ cup strawberries, chopped

  • ⅓ cup chia seeds

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 

  • 2 tbsp powdered peanut butter, optional

  • ¼ tsp stevia

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 2 tsp maca powder

  • 2 scoops collagen 

  • ¼ tsp sea salt



Add Protein Powder - I really like a clean whey isolate that’s been sweetened with stevia, like Schinoussa Whey Isolate or a clean beef protein powder that has a good amino acid profile like ATP Labs Supreme Beef Protein.

Grab & Go Snack - Divide this into 2 mason jars so you can just grab, shake & eat on busy days!

Make Meal Prep Easy - Double the recipe so you have 4 grab & go breakfasts or snacks for busy weeks! Switch up the toppings to keep things interesting.

Not Berry Season? - Use frozen! Allow to thaw for a few minutes on the counter before chopping them.


Citrus Strawberry Vanilla Mocktail


Summer Strawberry Vinaigrette