Roasted Winter Squash


This recipe works great with kabocha, butternut, buttercup, delicata - pretty much any winter squash!


3 ingredients · 50 minutes · 6-8 servings

Craving carbs but on a fat loss phase? Maybe too much starch makes you gassy & bloated? Then add this Roasted Winter Squash to your rotation!

This recipe will work with almost every winter squash – butternut, kabocha, buttercup, delicata or pumpkin…The only two I would skip for this are acorn & spaghetti squashes which I prefer to slice in half & roast.

Winter squashes vary in carb content, but you’ll find they all have fewer carbs than potatoes or rice, which is helpful if you’re craving something starchy on a lower-carb diet. Some squashes are higher in fiber than others. Fiber feeds are good gut bugs, but if you find certain squashes make you gassy & bloated you may be dealing with some bacteria imbalance, or it may be too much fiber for you. If this is the case, start small – instead of 2 cups of squash, start with ½ a cup & increase from there. And delicata squash (my FAVOURITE) is often easier to digest.


Don’t crowd the pieces otherwise it will steam the squash!



  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Use a sharp knife to peel the squash & remove the seeds. Dice into even-sized pieces.

  3. Toss with a light coating of oil & sea salt to taste. Add any extra spices – smoked paprika + garlic powder or cinnamon are my usual go-to’s.

  4. Spread evenly on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Careful not to crowd the pieces to avoid steaming.

  5. Roast for ~40 min or until golden & tender, stirring every 10-15 min (unless it’s delicata which doesn’t require stirring).

  6. Enjoy!


  • Winter squash (kabocha, butternut, buttercup, pumpkin…)

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Sea Salt


How to Serve - This is great as a side to pretty much any dish! If you are on a lower carb diet, try swapping your potatoes for squash. Squash is great with eggs, meat & gravy, sauteed greens, with salad…the possibilities are endless!

Leftovers - I always make extra to save time during the week. Reheat in the oven at 400 degrees or in the microwave.


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