Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Bok Choy in 5 Minutes

My Bok Choy in 5 Minutes recipe literally takes five minutes to prepare. This makes it the perfect side dish for beautiful summer evenings, not meant for spending indoors. Bok choy is a cruciferous vegetable. This means it’s rich in compounds that ultimately help us to get control over our hormones at any phase of life, and especially in perimenopause and menopause. 

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

Grilled Asparagus

Asparagus is an easy and FAST way to get in more fiber! Ready in 10 minutes or less, this dish is perfect for those beautiful summer evenings when you don’t feel like being trapped in the kitchen. Not just satisfying and tasty, asparagus is also a health superstar; it’s low in calories and carbohydrates, high in fiber, packed with vitamins and rich in prebiotics to support a thriving gut microbiome.

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Side Revel & Glow Nutrition Side Revel & Glow Nutrition

How to Roast any Vegetable in the Oven

Oven roasted vegetables have that sweeter, caramalized, mellow yet more intense flavour. This recipe will save you so much time when it comes to meal prep! Carving out 30-40 minutes to roast a couple pans of veggies can save you hours during the week, and will help you to achieve your fat loss and health goals!

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