Top Secret Blueberry Smoothie


7 ingredients · 5 minutes· 1 serving

This is for you if you like easy recipes that taste great & will also support your digestion & overall health! It has a secret ingredient that sounds a little odd for a smoothie – cauliflower! Don’t let that stop you from trying this. The cauliflower makes this smoothie creamy without adding extra carbs or a cauliflower-taste.

Both blueberries & cauliflower are both low in calories but provide a lot of fiber & antioxidants. Why is this a good thing? Because fiber feeds our gut bugs that reduce inflammation & promote digestive health amongst so many other things. Fiber also helps us feel full longer & supports a daily elimination which really helps with weight loss. Antioxidants protect our cells from harmful free radicals, help to reduce inflammation & can even delay brain aging.

Cauliflower is a cruciferous veggie. These veggies are important for the health of our liver, digestion & detoxification. They are rich in sulfur-containing compounds that support nutrient absorption & phase 2 detox which is key for anyone who wants hormonal balance, clear skin and a healthy metabolism & cholesterol profile. If you want to feel your best or lose weight, detoxification is critical in today’s environment.



  1. Add your milk to your blender, followed by the rest of the ingredients.

  2. Blend on high until smooth. That’s it!


  • 1 cup frozen blueberries

  • ½ cup frozen cauliflower

  • 1 ¼ cup unsweetened almond or macadamia milk

  • 1-2 scoops protein powder *see notes for my recommendations!

  • 1 cup baby spinach

  • 2 tbsp hemp seeds

  • ½ frozen or fresh banana



No Macadamia or Almond Milk? - Use any unsweetened non-dairy milk. I will sometimes use 3/4 cup of full-fat coconut milk with 3/4 of filtered water.

No Hemp Seeds? - Swap for ground flax seeds or chia seeds.

Protein Powder - I really like whey isolate for its bioavailability & tendency to be well digested (look for one without added fillers & only sweetened with stevia) or ATP Labs Supreme Beef Protein is excellent for those who are sensitive to whey or are looking for some variety! Its amino acid profile is exceptional, which is not common with beef protein powders. Click here to get yours!

Just an FYI: I am a participant in the Amazon affiliate program and I may have additional affiliate relationships with some of the products featured here – as such, my company may receive a share of sales from links on this page.


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