Red Velvet Smoothie


7 ingredients · 5 minutes· 1 serving

Show your love for your favourite person today & support their energy, heart & digestion by making them this delicious (& super easy!) Red Velvet Smoothie.

What makes this a super smoothie for our health? Beets.

Beets support our:

  • Digestion: by promoting the release of bile which is key for gallbladder health & fat absorption & they’re rich in fiber which feeds our good gut bugs!

  • Heart health: beets are rich in nitrates which convert into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates our blood vessels which can lower blood pressure.

  • Athletic performance: nitrates can improve the efficiency of our mitochondria, aka the ‘power plants’ of our cells, providing us with more energy! 



  1. Add your milk to your blender, followed by the rest of the ingredients.

  2. Blend on high until smooth. That’s it!


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk

  • 1 ½ cups frozen cauliflower

  • 2/3 cup chocolate protein powder

  • 1 tbsp cacao or unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt

  • 1 cup frozen beets (or fresh but cooked)

  • pinch sea salt


No Almond Milk? - Use any unsweetened non-dairy milk. I will sometimes use 3/4 cup of full-fat coconut milk with 3/4 of filtered water.

Add fiber - Add in ground flax seeds or chia seeds.

Protein Powder - I really like whey isolate for its bioavailability & tendency to be well digested (look for one without added fillers & only sweetened with stevia) or ATP Labs Supreme Beef Protein is excellent for those who are sensitive to whey or are looking for some variety! Its amino acid profile is exceptional, which is not common with beef protein powders. Click here to get yours!

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