Spiced Low-Carb Cranberry Sauce


7 ingredients · 20 minutes· 6-8 servings

Did you know that 70-80% of our immune cells live in our gut? This is why it’s key to keep our gut microbiome thriving & happy. Especially when our schedule is full between work, preparing for the holidays, socializing & indulging! 

An easy & delicious way to support both your gut health & immune system this holiday is to have your turkey with my Spiced Low-Carb Cranberry Sauce! This sauce is sweetened with orange & stevia instead of sugar (which suppresses our immune system). And cinnamon & ginger add a warm festive flavour. It’s incredibly easy to make & tastes way better than store bought!

Ginger & cranberries are gut & immune health superstars! They both have antibacterial, antiviral & anti-inflammatory properties and they’ve been shown to increase the diversity & growth of beneficial bacteria.

Serve this sauce with your chicken & turkey dishes this winter for a cozy & health-supportive meal!



  1. Add all ingredients to a medium size pot over medium heat & bring to a boil.

  2. Reduce heat to low & simmer until the cranberries have burst & the sauce has thickened. If it is too thick, simply add more water.

  3. Taste & adjust seasonings.  

  4. This sauce freezes beautifully. I like to double the batch & freeze extra for later!


  • 12oz fresh cranberries

  • Juice & zest from 1 orange (~½ cup juice)

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp freshly grated ginger

  • 1 ½ cups filtered water

  • Pinch sea salt

  • 2 tsp stevia



How to Serve - This is great with any poultry dish, you can also mix it with yogurt & top with granola, add it to your muffin batter or use it like jam!

Too Watery? - It will thicken when it cools but simply let it simmer for longer if it’s too watery!


Low-Carb Gravy


Pork Stuffing