Air Fryer Sweet Potato & Spinach Hash

8 ingredients · 20 minutes · 4 servings


  1. Preheat air fryer to 400ºF. In a large mixing bowl, combine diced sweet potatoes, onion, olive oil, rosemary or paprika, garlic powder, paprika and salt. Stir until potatoes are well coated.

  2. Add mixture to preheated air fryer and cook for 8 minutes. Open basket, stir mixture, and add bacon to the hash (just sprinkle it on top). Return basket to the air fryer and cook for around 12 minutes, stirring halfway through. It’s done when the potatoes are crispy on the outside & tender on the inside and the bacon is crispy & cooked through.

  3. While the sweet potatoes cook, fry, poach or scramble eggs and sautee the spinach; throw 2 tbsp of chicken broth or water in a pan with the spinach & sprinkle generously with salt. Stir until liquid has evaporated & spinach is wilted.

  4. Toss sweet potato hash with sauteed spinach.

  5. Serve with the eggs & diced tomato. Enjoy!


  • 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled & diced into small cubes

  • 4 slices of bacon, preferably from pastured pork

  • 1/2 red onion, diced

  • 1 tsp each smoked paprika & garlic powder (can sub dried rosemary for the paprika)

  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 8-12 eggs, preferably from free-range chickens


Additional toppings - avocado or kimchi

Switch it Up - serve with roasted chicken, pork tenderloin or steak instead of eggs


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