Wellness Coaching

What to expect:

  • I get to know you: your goals, your history and where you’re at today

  • We work together to create a customized action plan to help you meet your goals in a way that fits your lifestyle

  • Support every step of the way

  • The tools to empower you to move forward with your goals

    • 1 Assessment (60 minutes)

    • 1 Action Plan Session (45 minutes)

    • 1 Follow-up Session (45 minutes)

    • Customized Action Plan with diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations

    • 1 Assessment (60 minutes)

    • 1 Action Plan Session (45 minutes)

    • 2 Follow-up Sessions (45 minutes each)

    • Customized Action Plan with diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations

    • Customized 7 Day Meal Plan with Grocery List

    • Weekly check-in with Food Diary Review to help you stay on track

    • Direct Support available to you between sessions via email or text

    • 1 Assessment (60 minutes)

    • 1 Action Plan Session (45 minutes)

    • 6 Follow-up Sessions (45 minutes each)

    • Customized Action Plan with diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations

    • 2 Customized 7 Day Meal Plans with Grocery List

    • Weekly check-in with Food Diary Review to help you stay on track

    • Direct Support available to you between sessions via email or text